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WAAMA Document No. 3 /2024 Pre-Notice on Holding the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA
2024-04-26 16:40 Hits:581 Source:WAAMA

WAAMA Document No. 3 /2024


Pre-Notice on Holding the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA


Member Units of WAAMA:

In order to strengthen communication and cooperation among various organizations around the world, promote the development of abacus and mental arithmetic education worldwide, build the international platform for abacus and mental arithmetic players, create a fair, united, and authoritative competitive atmosphere, and continuously improve the level of abacus and mental arithmetic competition, it has been decided at the first meeting of the sixth council of the World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic (hereinafter referred to as WAAMA) that the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA is scheduled to be held on July 15, 2024 in Changchun City, Jilin Province, China. We sincerely invite all member units to form teams and participate. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. Competition time (Beijing time)

July 14, 2024: Check in.

July 15 morning, 2024: The 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA.

July 15 afternoon, 2024: Award ceremony.

July 16, 2024: Academic exchange activities.

July 17, 2024: Return,

II. Competition venue

Changchun City, Jilin Province, China (Specific hotels to be notified later).

III. Participants

The team leaders, coaches, and players of each participating team.

IV. About cost

i. The 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA does not charge any fees;

ii. The food, accommodation, and transportation expenses of participants in the WAAMA competition shall be borne by participants themselves.

V. Other

i. Member units participating in the competition are requested to carefully read the " Arrangement for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA" (Attachment 1) and complete the competition registration before June 15th.

ii. Member units participating in the competition are required to carefully fill out the " Questionnaire on the Team of the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA" (Attachment 4), and send it back with two versions (the first is xlsx. after filling the form, and the second is scanned pdf form after stamped the seal onto it) to the mailbox of Secretariat of WAAMA before May 30th in order for the organizing committee to prepare test questions, create trophies and medals, and reserve hotel rooms.


Contact person and contact information:

Shi Baorong (Chinese): 86-10-88191391, 86-18222961905

Gao Jiaqi (English): 86-10-88191398, 86-18428303516

Li Meilan (Korean): 86-15699581231

Fax: 86-10-88191391

Email: waamagame2014@sina.com






I. Arrangement for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

II. Registration QR Code for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

III. Registration Form for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

IV. Questionnaire on the Team of the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

V. Sample Paper of the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA



World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic

April 25, 2024


Attachment I


Arrangement for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

I. Group Division

Competitors are divided into 5 groups (Group of player, Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D). Age requirements for each group are:

i. Group of player: There will be no age limitation.

ii. Group A: Competitors born after Jan. 1, 2011 can participate in this group contest.

iii. Group B: There will be no age limitation.

iv. Group C and Group D: Competitors born after Jan. 1, 2017 can participate in these group contest.

In order to promote the global balanced development of the abacus and mental arithmetic, the competitors from Japan, China and Chinese Taipei are not permitted to attend Group B and Group D contest. There are no restrictions for competitors from other countries and regions.

II. Contest Matters

i. Contest event:

Group of player, Group A and B: Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.

Group C and D: Addition-and-Subtraction.

ii. Contest types  

Each Group has team contest. Group of player, Group A and B have individual all-round contest. Group C and D have individual event.
    In team contest, each member unit is regarded as individual contestant. Each of them can dispatch 3 competitors (designated before the contest) to team contest. No score is given to the team with less than 3 competitors. The final result of team contest for Group of player, Group A and B is the summation of 3 individual competitors’ score in individual all-round contest. The final result of team contest for Group C and D is the summation of 3 individual competitors’ score in individual event.

As for individual all-around contest, the total point of three items, i.e. Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division is the final result for each individual competitor.

As for individual event, each competitor’s score in the item of Addition-and-Subtraction will be used as the final result of contest for individual event.

iii. Pattern and quantity of questions.

i) Group of player

a. There are 45 questions on Addition-and-Subtraction, and all figures are integer numbers. (3 pages totally and 15 questions for each page.) There are 15 lines vertically written in each question,. Each question has a set of numerals among 6 to 10 digits, and there are 3 lines for each. The first 3 questions in every 5 questions are pure Addition. The last 2 questions are the mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction, and each question has 5 lines with Subtraction sign. Each question has 120 numerals. There are all-together 5400 numerals in total for 45 questions. There will be no negative result in each line calculation (i.e. questions with compliment).

b. There are 120 questions on Multiplication. (2 pages totally and 60 questions for each page.) The figure for both multiplicand and multiplier must stand for 11 digits. The format is as follows: 5 digits × 6 digits; 6 digits × 5 digits; 7 digits × 4 digits; 4 digits × 7 digits. And each format stands for a quarter of all the questions. The questions on integer take up 60%, which means that there are 72 questions in total. The questions on decimal points take up 40%, which means there are 48 questions in total. For decimal questions, 3 digits should be remained after the decimal point, and the 4th digit should be round off.

c. There are 120 questions on Division. (2 pages totally and 60 questions for each page.) The figure for both dividend and divisor must stand for 11 digits. The format is as follows: ? ÷ 5 digits = 6 digits;  ? ÷ 6 digits = 5 digits; ? ÷ 7 digits = 4 digits; ? ÷ 4 digits = 7 digits. And each format takes up a quarter of all the questions. The questions on aliquot take up 60%, which means that there are 72 questions in total. The questions on decimal points take up 40%, which means there are 48 questions in total. For decimal questions, 3 digits should be remained after the decimal point, and the 4th digit should be round off.

ii) Group A and B

a. There are 90 questions (4 pages totally) on Addition-and-Subtraction and all figures are integer numbers. There are 10 lines vertically written in each question. The first 3 questions in every 5 questions are pure Addition. The last 2 questions are the mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction, and each question has 3 lines with Subtraction sign. The first page has 30 questions. There are 10 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 4 digits take up 3 lines each, the numerals with 3 digits take up 4 lines each, the numerals with 2 digits take up 3 lines each. Each question has 30 digits. 30 questions totally have 900 digits. The second, third and fourth pages has 20 questions for each page. There are 10 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 4 digits take up 4 lines each, the numerals with 5 digits take up 2 lines each, the numerals with 6 digits take up 4 lines each. Each question has 50 digits. 60 questions have 3000 digits in total. There are 3900 digits in total. There will be no negative result in each line calculation (i.e. questions with compliment).

b. There are 240 questions on Multiplication and all figures are integer numbers. (2 pages totally and 120 questions for each page.) For the first page, The figure for both multiplicand and multiplier in the first part must stand for 4 or 5 digits, of which 2 digits × 2 digits takes up 20% of all questions, 3 digits × 2 digits and 2 digits × 3 digits take up 40% separately in all questions. For the second page, the figure for both multiplicand and multiplier must stand for 6 digits, of which 3 digits × 3 digits, 2 digits × 4 digits and 4 digits × 2 digits stand for one third separately in all questions.

c. There are 240 questions on Division written. (2 pages totally and 120 questions for each page.) All questions should be aliquot. For the first page, the figure for both dividend and divisor in the first part must stand for 4 or 5 digits, of which ?÷ 2 digits = 2 digits takes up 20% of all questions, ?÷ 3 digits = 2 digits and  ?÷ 2 digits = 3 digits take up 40% separately in all questions. For the second page, the figure for both dividend and divisor must stand for 6 digits, of which ?÷ 3 digits = 3 digits, ?÷ 2 digits = 4 digits, ?÷ 4 digits = 2 digits stand for one third separately in all questions.

iii) Group C and D

There are 120 questions on Addition-and-Subtraction and all figures are integer numbers. (4 pages totally and 30 questions for each page.) The first 3 questions in every 5 questions are pure Addition. The last 2 questions are the mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction. For the first page, there are 6 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 1 digit take up 3 lines each, the numerals with 2 digits take up 2 lines each, the numerals with 3 digits take up 1 line each. Each mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction has 2 lines with Subtraction sign. 30 questions totally have 300 digits (each question has 10 digits). For the second, third, fourth pages, there are 10 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 2 digits take up 4 lines each, the numerals with 3 digits take up 2 lines each, the numerals with 4 digits take up 4 lines each. Each mix-question of Addition-and-Subtraction has 3 lines with Subtraction sign. Each question has 30 digits. 90 questions have 2700 digits in total. There are 3000 digits in four papers at last. There will be no negative result in each line calculation (i.e. questions with compliment). 

iv. Time and way of contest: There are 3 minutes for each type of questions, i.e. Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Each contest is carried out by limiting the time and the number of questions.

v. Marking criteria: A full mark of 10 points is given to each question on Addition-and-Subtraction. And a full mark of 5 points is given to each question on Multiplication and Division.

vi. Mistakes and deductions

1. The answer must be written clearly. Any handwriting that is too hasty and cannot be recognized by the grader, or if there are two answers to one question, it will be considered an error.

2. To change the answer, the original answer must be crossed out with a line and a new answer must be written. Any arbitrary alteration of numbers will be considered and error.

3. At the beginning of the competition, if the player starts earlier before the starting, or delays in the end after the ending, points will be deducted. 20 points will be deducted for addition and subtraction, and 40 points will be deducted for multiplication or division.

vii. Name-rank arrangement for winner

a. For individual event competition, contestants with same scores will be ranked according to number of solved questions. One who solves more questions will win, with same number of solved questions one has less time will win.

b. For individual all-round contest, contestants with same score will be ranked according to the score on Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, one who has a higher score comparing with the former will win. With same individual score on Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, comparing with the former, contestant who solves more questions will win . With same questions solved, who use less time to finish the question will win.

c. For team contest, teams with same scores will be ranked according to scores on individual all-round contest, the team with the one who has the highest score will win.

III. Contest Awarding

i. Awarding-item settlement

The awarding-item is settled as team award and individual award for each group.

In team contest, there is one special prize, and the number of the first prize and the second prize will be set at a ratio of 40% and 60% of the total number of awards remaining except for the special prize. If teams from the same country or region receive more than 50% of the special prize and first prize based on their performance rankings (both awards must be calculated together), the excess will continue to receive awards based on their actual performance, but will not account for the proportion of awards at that level. There is no limit to second prizes.

In individual all-round contest and individual event, there is one special prize, and the first, second, and third prizes will be set at a ratio of 40%, 50%, and 10% of the total number of awards except for the special prize. If the individual all-round score of a contestant is lower than 100 points or the individual event score is lower than 30 points, no grade award will be awarded, only the participation award will be awarded; Contestants with a score of "0" will not participate in the award.

No special prize will be awarded if there are less than 3 teams in each group or less than 3 players in each individual contest. When the registration deadline expires, if there is only one representative team in the team contest group or only one contestant in the individual contest group, the contest in that group will be canceled and the registration unit will be notified.

ii. Awarding methods

a. The Cups and medals will be given to the winner of team contest. And the relevant coaches will be given the certificates.

b. The medals and certificates will be given to the winner of individual for all-round contest and individual event.

IV. Test paper

The secretariat of the WAAMA is responsible for the preparation, printing, and storage of test papers. Under strict confidentiality, two sets of papers will be printed for each group, and before the competition, a deputy chief referee randomly selects one of them.

V. The Work of judgment

i. The chief referee is the president of WAAMA. Vice presidents and Secretary-General of WAAMA will take on the job of deputy chief referee. The executive chief referee is Mrs. Ni Xiaojing, who is coming from Secretariat of WAAMA. The supervision referees and scorers are hired from professional personnels by the Secretariat of the WAAMA.The Secretariat of WAAMA arranges interpreters.

ii. The distribution, submission, and binding of test papers are the responsibility of the Secretariat staff of the WAAMA.

iii. The scoring supervision personnel shall be members of the Executive Council of the WAAMA who do not serve as the chief or deputy referees, and shall supervise the entire process of evaluation and scoring. Scoring supervision does not interfere with the normal work of scoring. They can review the evaluation and scoring of the papers, and if errors or doubts are found, the chief referee should be consulted for handling. Individuals cannot make modifications. If the participating team has doubts about the score, they can consult and review it with the scoring supervisor. If any problems are found, they should be dealt with by the chief referee. Individuals cannot make modifications.

iv. The order for the competition. Due to language constraints and to prevent misunderstandings, the start and stop of the order shall be based on the whistle.

v. When disagreement is occurred in the work of judgment, the chief referee and deputy chief referees will make the final decision by way of consultation or ballot.

VI. Registration work

i. Team formation requirements. In order to provide more people with the opportunity to participate, there is no limit to the number of participants participating in the individual competition. Each group can only have one team leader. Coach number cannot exceed the number of competitors. One player can only register for one group contest. It is not allowed to re-register.

ii. Registration requirements. Each member unit shall fill in the registration form carefully on time.

a. Please use WeChat to scan in the “Registration QR Code for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA” and complete the registration.

b. If you cannot register using WeChat, you can fill in the “Registration form for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA” to complete the registration. And send the form to the mailbox of Secretariat of WAAMA in both xlsx. version and scanned with seal pdf version.

c. When you fill the form, please note that the first three lines are for players attending to team contest (which is decided when registered), and players of the fourth and later lines can only participate in the individual competition.

d. The final number of applicants must be the same as the number reported in attachment 4 “Questionnaire on the Team of the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA”.

e. The registration time for final specific list is fixed from June 5 to June 15 in the year of 2024.

iii. Requirements for Participants

Participants must present their original passport or ID card to verify their eligibility for the competition upon registration. The member unit is not allowed to borrow players from other organization to join the competition. If it happens and is verified, the eligibility or scores will be cancelled.

VII. Expenditure

i. The WAAMA does not charge any competition fees. The conference venue rental fee, paper fee, and trophy and medal production fee are borne by the WAAMA.

ii. The personnel participating in the Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA shall bear all their own expenses, including accommodation and transportation.

VIII. Competition dress.

In order to reflect the solemnity of competition and to show the team spirit, contestant of each member organization should wear uniform clothing. Dressing should reflect regional characteristics, and decent. The following text must be printed on the competition clothing: "The 8th Competition of Abacus & Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA."

The referee’s clothing should be made by the organizing committee of the competition.

IX. Registration contact information:

Shi Baorong (Chinese) Tel. 86-18222961905

Gao Jiaqi (English) Tel. 86-10-88191398  86-18428303516

Li Meilan (Korean) Tel. 86-15699581231

E-mail: waamagame2014@sina.com

Fax for submitting the registration form: 86-10-88191391




The World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic

April 25, 2024

Attachment II

Registration QR Code for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA







Attachment III

Registration Form for the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

Name of





Mobile Phone



Telephone No.







Date of Birth



Team Contest



Team Contest



Team Contest









Team Leader






Note: Registration period is from June 5th to June 15th, 2024.




Attachment IV

Questionnaire on the Team of the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA


Name of   Organization


Contact Person




Contact   Address


Telephone   Number








Number   of Player




Team   Leader领队





Group of   player


Group A


Group B


Group C


Group D




Grand   total


Note: Registration Deadline is on May 20-30, 2024.


Attachment V:附件5:世界珠算心算联合会第八届珠心算比赛样题.pdf(Please click to get the sample papers)

Pre-Notice on Holding the 8th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA.pdf

(To get the full document, please click here to download. You can print and fill the form, stamp the seal of your organization, and then send to us.)