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WAAMA Document No. 4 /2021 Notice on Convening the Third Enlarged Meeting of the Fifth Council of the World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic & the Sixth Seminar of WAAMA for Ac
2021-08-11 18:30 Hits:396 Source:WAAMA

WAAMA Document No. 4 /2021


Notice on Convening the Third Enlarged Meeting of the Fifth Council of the World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic & the Sixth Seminar of WAAMA for Academic Exchanges on Abacus and Mental Arithmetic (Video Conferencing)


Dear members and council members,

In accordance with the Charter of the World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic, the World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic (WAAMA) plans to hold the 3rd Enlarged Meeting of the Fifth Council of the WAAMA and the Sixth Seminar of WAAMA for Academic Exchanges on Abacus and Mental Arithmetic on November 10, 2021. Given the current severe pandemic situation, this meeting will be held via video conferencing. The related matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. Meeting time, Meeting software

Meeting time: November 10, 2021, Beijing time (GMT+8) 8:30-12:00am.

Meeting software: The meeting will be held via Zoom. The meeting number and password will be sent to your e-mail five working days before the meeting.

II. Participants

The WAAMA member organizations and their members are welcomed to attend the meeting. The meeting has no maximum number limit of participants.

III. Meeting Contents     

(I) Convene “The 3rd meeting (enlarged) of the 5th council of WAAMA”. Report the work of these two years by the WAAMA. The member organizations are invited to give work suggestions. (The member organizations that want to speak at the meeting shall apply to the Secretariat in advance. The speech sequence will follow the registration sequence. 5-10 minutes are suggested for each member organization.)

(II) Convene “the sixth seminar of WAAMA for academic exchanges on Abacus and Mental Arithmetic”. Seminar theme: The protection and development of abacus as intangible heritage. Chinese Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association will invite two guest speakers. If the member organizations would like to deliver a speech at the meeting, please apply with the Secretariat in advance (only two speakers for each member organization by the sequence of registration. 30-min speech for the guest speaker is recommended. The Secretariat of WAAMA will issue the certificates to the guest speakers after the meeting).

(III) Speech delivered by Liu Jianhua, Chairwoman of WAAMA.

IV. Registration

(I) The council representatives and related personnel attending “The 3rd Meeting (enlarged) of the 5th Council of WAAMA” shall complete the Receipt of the 3rd Meeting (enlarged) of the 5th Council of WAAMA and return it to the Secretariat by email (waamagame2014@sina.com) by October 10, 2021.

(II) The council representatives and experts attending “The Sixth Seminar of WAAMA for Academic Exchanges on Abacus and Mental Arithmetic” shall complete the Registration Form of Speech Delivery at the Sixth Seminar of WAAMA for Academic Exchanges on Abacus and Mental Arithmetic, and return the Registration Form and the speech manuscript to the Secretariat by email (waamagame2014@sina.com) by October 10, 2021.

      V. Contact person and mail address of WAAMA Secretariat

Contact person: Mu Jingmei       Gao Jiaqi

Contact number: 86-10-88191323   86-10-88191398

E-mail: waamagame2014@sina.com

Address: Room 1323, Xinzhi Building, Jia No.28 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China   Zip code: 100142

Thank you for your support and help to the World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic!



1. The receipt of the 3rd meeting (enlarged) of the 5th council of WAAMA

2. Registration form of speech delivery at the sixth seminar of WAAMA for academic exchanges on abacus and mental arithmetic



                     The World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic

                                    August 11, 2021