The Mexican Abacus Association was founded in 2016 with a main objective:
Substantially improve the general mathematic level of all our Mexican children with an age of 13 and less.
Base on the objective, we created the following strategy plan:
1 Issue national norms and performance standards.
2 Issue certifications with official validity for coaches and children.
3 Turn normal people into expert coaches across the country.
4 Train children to become experts in mental arithmetic world class.
1 Issue national norms and performance standards.
In 2017 the Mexican Abacus Association made an alliance with four of the most important universities in the country as a result all of them together created the “Mental Arithmetic Committee”.
This committee works inside the CONOCER which is a governmental entity in charge of issuing certifications that do not require university degree but an specialized knowledge in a different activities.
Here are the members of the committee:
This allows us to create national performance standards for our two standards:
1) For those persons that want to be dedicated to training children,
2) For students to measure their knowledge in the use of the abacus Japanese and the mental arithmetic operations, in this case we propose “flash anzan” as tool to measure the individual performance.
2 Issue certifications with official validity for coaches and children.
In 2017 Mexican Abacus Association was named Certification Organism by the “CONOCER”, this allowed us to start the certification of our teachers and also of our students.
The Mexican Abacus Association has been during 5 years the only enterprise in Mexico authorized to issue certifications with the Mexican government validity. The high quality, when we are forming the adults and training the kids is our principal concern, and it is easy to understands because in this certification are involved many brands that have already an excellent reputation in the Mexican market.
The high sense of quality has allowed us to train people from all over the country and includes training people from Canada, USA, Spain, Brazil and Panama.
Building in this way our own reputation little by little.
Once the standards were ready we started the national market.
3 Turn normal people into expert coaches across the country.
We are convinced that we are up grading the education in our country, making a better understanding of the general arithmetic but also introduce our children in the mental arithmetic.
That is why we decided to offer courses to entrepreneurial special to women who want to start their own business all of than by teaching this discipline “Using the Japanese abacus and mental arithmetic” this decision allows us to grow into national level, issues the certification to the candidates to become coaches “ABACUS Mental Skills”.
In 2018 was born the company “ABACUS Mental Skills” our commercial brand, dedicated to the education of mental arithmetic skills, the company´s goals are:
1) To Training adults and children in the use of the Japanese abacus and improve the mental skills of all ours students.
2) To researching, developing and supporting
activities all of them related with how to teach, how to form and measure de performance of all our futures coaches and students.
3) To organizing the national championship every year.
In 2019 the WAAMA “The World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic”, witch is The most recognized association worldwide in teaching discipline of the abacus and in mental arithmetic, accepted to the Mexican Abacus Association.
4 Train children to become experts in mental arithmetic world class.
We were working very hard changing the Latin American culture, despite the global pandemic we continue to give all our courses and classes on online, we have had to postpone our traditional regional and national championships that are held in CDMX and in many cities of the country.
In addition, we envision Canada as a very fertile market and country to start our activities there that is why we have opened a branch in that country.